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6th August is observed as Hiroshima Peace Day ||| Bidyot Bhowmik

6th August is observed as Hiroshima Peace Day ||| Bidyot Bhowmik

On 6th August, 1945 at about 8:15 in the morning, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima by the United States Air Force – B-29 bomber known as ‘little boy’. The dangerous and devastating power of the atomic bomb effectively obliterated the city of Hiroshima, Japan. More than 70,000 people were killed instantly, and another 70,000 suffered fatal injuries from the dangerous nuclear radiation and died in one year while thousands more were hit with generational defects that plagued the country. The city saw the terrors of the atomic weapon the moment an American B-29 bomber dropped it on the populace. At the same time, 70% of the city’s buildings were destroyed. The second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days after on 9th August, 1945 with the same devastating affect about 80,000 deaths immediately resulting in Japan’s unconditional surrender to the allied forces. Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces on August 15, 1945 six days after the Soviet Union’s declaration of war and the bombing of Nagasaki.

 Hiroshima Day 2021 commemorates, like every year, the 1945 tragedy which completely destroyed the two cities and left the country to deal with a dreadful fate even in its aftermath. It reminds the world that all wars are terrible, and nuclear warfare has terrible and devastating consequences. It reminds thousands of politicians, diplomats, and envoys around the world that diplomacy is the only option while navigating geopolitics in the 21st century because only nine countries in the entire world currently possess about 15,000 nuclear weapons. Radiation poisoning, what was referred to as “atomic bomb disease”, left people with an increased risk of cancer, birth defects, severe mental retardation, among other diseases.

August 6, 2021 is the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the Japanese city. It was the first city to be attacked by a nuclear bomb. An annual event takes place at the Galway Alliance War in Eyre Square marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in 1945. Various programs are held to promote peace politics every year through music, dance, and songs. This day reminds us of the devastating situation of nuclear warfare that records instances in history. The aftermath of the bombing led to radiation poisoning like atomic bomb disease that has increased the cancer risks, birth defects, severe mental retardation, etc. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is an annual Japanese vigil held on Hiroshima Peace City Memorial Monument in Peace Memorial Park that takes place on August 6 with the aim of consoling the victims of the atomic bombs, reassuring people of Japan’s desire for a nuclear weapons free world and praying for the realization of lasting world peace.

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 2017 to an advocacy group behind the first treaty to prohibit nuclear arms. It is a great achievement that the peace loving International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 “The organization is receiving the award for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such dangerous nuclear weapons,” the Norwegian Nobel Committee said in a statement. On the other hand, International campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons said in a statement after they received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 as follows, “This prize is a tribute to the tireless efforts of many millions of campaigners and concerned citizens worldwide who, ever since the dawn of the atomic age, have loudly protested nuclear weapons, insisting that they can serve no legitimate purpose and must be forever banished from the face of our earth.” And we the peace loving people must say loudly that they really deserve the Nobel Peace Prize by virtue of their tireless International campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons from the face our mother earth with a view to upholding peace, beauty, stability, humanity and prosperity everywhere in the world.

It is a shocking and terrible news that there are about 15,000 nuclear weapons in the the hands of 9 powerful countries. Both United States and Russia have the largest stockpiles like 13,000 nuclear weapons.  The other countries that have nuclear weapons are China, Britain, France, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. 15,000 nuclear weapons can destroy the world several times. Let us unite and support campaigns from grassroot level for a peaceful world free from destructive and devastating nuclear weapons. We really love to see a peaceful world free from all destructive and devastating nuclear weapons. We wholeheartedly want to see a beautiful world free from all nuclear weapons for the sake of peace, humanity, stability and prosperity every where in the world.

Source : News on Hiroshima  Day

Former professor, columnist and advisor to CBNA

Montreal, Canada, 6th August, 2021

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