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A vaccine passport system starting from 1st September in Quebec

The government of Quebec is putting into place a vaccine passport system starting from 1st September, 2021. GettyImages

A vaccine passport system starting from 1st September in Quebec

The government of Quebec is putting into place a vaccine passport system starting from 1st September, 2021 that will effectively bar people who aren’t fully vaccinated from many non-essential activities. The passport — an electronic record of vaccination in the form of a quick response (QR) code — has already been tested out at various establishments across the province of Quebec, including a restaurant, bar and gym.

Here’s a primer on the system.

The vaccine passport system applies to anyone aged 13 and over. It will be implemented through an app, called VaxiCode, which is available for download on iOS and Android devices. A digital copy or printed-out version of the QR code is also considered valid.

How does the vaccination passport system work?

The app will display your scannable QR code once you have uploaded it. The code contains your name, date of birth and vaccination status and is sent by email by the province of Quebec or can be downloaded from the web page of the Government of Quebec. With the app, it is also possible to include the QR codes of family members in the same app.

Where will this be required?

The vaccine passport will be necessary to take part in a wide range of activities and events determined to be at a high risk of transmission of the coronavirus. Those include festivals, gyms, sports venues and training facilities. Restaurants and bars will require a passport, even to sit on terrasses, but not for takeout. Other places requiring passports include casinos, bingo halls, bowling alleys, amusement parks, fairs, marathons, escape rooms and zoos. A full list of places and events where the vaccine passport will be required is available on the province’s website

What’s about for businesses?

A separate app will be made available for the businesses and event organizers who need to scan your QR code. That app is called VaxiCode Verif. When scanned, the app will show your name in green if you are fully vaccinated, and in red if you are not. That information isn’t retained by VaxiCode Verif and disappears from the app in a matter of seconds, a government official said. Customers will need to show identification to cross-reference with the QR code.

Source: CBC news, Canada

31st August, 2021


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