Happy Bastille Day, the 14th July ||| Bidyot Bhowmik
Happy Bastille Day. 14th July is called Bastille Day. it is a French National Holiday in France which is celebrated with parades, fireworks, street parties and balls with due solemnity, pomp and grandeur. Bastille Day is the French National Day which celebrates the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, the most dangerous French prison on 14 July 1789 which was also the turning point of the French Revolution in 1789.
Fete de la Federation is celebrated to the unity of the French people on 14 July 1790. Bastille day upholds peace, liberty and equality and a fight or dynamic voice against oppression, suppression and tyranny. Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, the then the most dangerous French prison, late in the evening of 4 August, 1789 after a very stormy session of the Assemblée constituante, feudalism was abolished in France. On 26 August, 1789 the Declaration of the right of Man and of the Citizen ( In French language : Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen) was proclaimed. Celebrations are held with pomp and grandeur throughout France. The oldest and largest regular military parade in Europe is held on 14 July on the Champs-Elysees in Paris in front of the President of the of France , along with other French Ministers, officials and foreign guests. With the Covid-19 declining everywhere in France in 2021, the parade will be back this Wednesday July 14, 2021 on the world’s most beautiful avenue. And there might even be an audience to attend it.
Bastille day symbolizes peace, liberty and equality and a fight against oppression and tyranny. In French, it is formally called la Fête nationale du French. 14th July is the most important holiday in France which marks the glorious birth of French Republic against the tyrant monarchy of Louis the 16th, the then French Emperor. The storming of the Bastille and capturing it by the oppressed and suppressed people of France guided by revolutionary ideals for only survival on 14th July, 1789 was the turning point of French Revolution. Bastille was a dangerous French prison and people who were thrown into Bastille prison by the then tyrant regime of Louis the 16th, the then French Emperor, they could never think of any bright future afterward. Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, late in the evening of 4 August, 1789 after a very stormy session of the Assemblée constituante, feudalism was abolished in France. On 26 August, the Declaration of the Rights of the man and of the Citizen was proclaimed. So the storming of the Bastille and capturing it marked the end of the tyrant monarchy of Louis the 16th and the creation of the First Republic in France in 1792. That’s why the tricolor French flag symbolizes liberty, equality and fraternity. Some countries in Europe also celebrate Bastille Day in order to uphold peace, liberty and equality against oppression, injustice and suppression of tyrant military regime, undemocratic ruler or dictatorial rule.
Source : Wikipedia and other source
Bidyot Bhowmik, Writer, columnist and advisor to CBNA
Montreal, Canada, 13th July 2021
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