Course Saint-Laurent attracts nearly 1000 participants
Saint-Laurent, April 14, 2022 – After a three-year hiatus, on April 10, the Course de Saint-Laurent made a remarkable comeback in the borough’s industrial and Bois-Franc neighbourhoods.
Using a slightly modified formula to accommodate health requirements, this 28th edition of the event offered four options, specifically 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-km routes. Close to 1000 runners embraced the challenge with 133, 151, 258 and 347 participants for each distance, respectively.
Saint-Laurent wins the Défi corporatif
With respect to the Défi corporatif, the team comprising around 20 of Saint-Laurent’s municipal employees won first place, followed by the teams from Cégep de Saint-Laurent and the Véolia company.
Accredited by the Fédération québécoise d’athlétisme, this event is part of the Circuit endurance. In Saint-Laurent, it is organized by the Club d’athlétisme Saint-Laurent Sélect inc. in collaboration with the Arrondissement and with the support of many volunteers.
এস এস/সিএ
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